DMX luminaires

Utilizing a casDMX over a DMX controller on DMX enabled lunimaires

I intend to string together twelve DMX luminaires and adjust them individually. I could use a DMX controller, but the...

DMXcas – Cannot control fixture with different address

We have the DMXcas and we can not control the lighting fixture with different address only is working with address...

casDMX “daisy chain” max

How many fixtures can we put in the daisy chain before we need another one? Does the unit remember the...

All lamps not changing colour: DMX wiring issue? (casDMX)

We have 8 groups of between 4 and 7 RGBW luminaires per group. Each luminaire is 230w. The total length...

How to best install the DMXcas (specific install, multi-question)

Q: I have 16 Casambi controlled lights in an install, Can I use just the one DMXcas to control them?...