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  4. Utilizing a casDMX over a DMX controller on DMX enabled lunimaires
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  4. Utilizing a casDMX over a DMX controller on DMX enabled lunimaires
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  4. Utilizing a casDMX over a DMX controller on DMX enabled lunimaires

Utilizing a casDMX over a DMX controller on DMX enabled lunimaires

I intend to string together twelve DMX luminaires and adjust them individually. I could use a DMX controller, but the site already has CASAMBI installed. Would I need one casDMX unit per fixture? Or can I use one casDMX for all 12 of them?

You will need one casDMX for each 4 channels, if one fixture needs 4 channels then you would need one per fixture.  Casambi is really a 4-channel ecosystem with their widgets, so that is th elimit.
You can get more from the casDMX, but then you are limited to using sliders and no widgets.

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