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  4. casDMX and LED strip lighting within scope
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  4. casDMX and LED strip lighting within scope
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  3. LED strip lighting
  4. casDMX and LED strip lighting within scope
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  4. casDMX and LED strip lighting within scope

casDMX and LED strip lighting within scope

I need to drive a DMX LED strip; every LED is controlled by 4 channels (RGBW), using the Casambi app as a master controller.

Is the casDMX suitable for this scope?

If you are trying to control each LED as a single pixel, and have each a RGBW value, meaning probably a Neopixek, then Casambi does not have this capability.  You are channel limited to 12 channels per Casambi wireless node.
If you are trying to control the entire tape strip as one color, not pixelized, then Casambi could work for this.

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