Regarding the firmware update from Casambi in January 2022 and 9 CasDMX modules not behaving correctly afterward. We proceeded with the ‘Update Vendor Firmware’ process with our installer on site because indeed, they did have the update icon on each of the fixtures,...
Do you have any technical drawings for the placement of the BLE antenna in this device? The BLE antenna is just to the left of the two DC power input terminals.
For security reasons, electricity in the area is switched-off every evening. When turned on again, the casDMX is sometimes not accessible, i.e. it appears in the app, but does not emit any signals. Also, the error does not occur every day. Have you faced similar...
My casdMX is locking up. How can I resolve this? The issue is that I am getting the casDMX to lock up and stop working. I am able to exacerbate the issue by changing the “DMX Copy Slot Count” while an animation is currently running, after a few times of changing the...
About the usage of the SceneDMXcas. Am I right in the following: The start address is 301 The scene which will be selected with the value sent to 301, i.e. 8 The dimming level of scene 8 will be controlled by sending values to address 302 Is there a need to send the...
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