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  4. Confusion on casDMX: generates 12 or 256 channels
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  4. Confusion on casDMX: generates 12 or 256 channels
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  4. Confusion on casDMX: generates 12 or 256 channels
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  4. Confusion on casDMX: generates 12 or 256 channels

Confusion on casDMX: generates 12 or 256 channels

The casDMX data sheet states “provides a non-isolated DMX-512 “universe, but it is also stated “casDMX can control luminaires using Casambi color widgets, and up to 12 DMX channels utilizing Casambi sliders in Evolution mode”.

I’m a little bit confused: does it generate 12 or 256 DMX channels (one universe)?

We drive the full 512 channel frame. but the problem is that Casambi cannot provide that many channe;s in their network.  This is not a true “wireless DMX” solution, there are both wDMX and Lumenradio that do that.
The methods that Casambi offers for user interfacing is what is supported using Profiles, which is really a method to depict widtes on the Casambi app
Please note that we do not generate any control management, that is all Casambi.  We are simply a Casambgi wireless, to a wired DMX device.  All the control comes from the Casambi side of things.

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