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  4. Controller limited to 8 DMX addresses
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  4. Controller limited to 8 DMX addresses
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  4. Controller limited to 8 DMX addresses

Controller limited to 8 DMX addresses

Why is this controller limited to 8 DMX logical addresses (slots)? I am looking for option to a one (1) universe 48 addresses ETC architectural system already installed.

There are a few limitations that are important to note that are all Casambi inspired.  Casambi is really a 4-channel ecosystem at heart, but in Evolution mode, and using manual sliders you can get up to 12.
1) to utilize the Casambi widgets, the color pickers, etc. you would be limited to 4 channels.  This is because Casambi is really a 4-channel ecosystem.
2) In Evolution mode, which is now the standard, you can use manual sliders to get up to 12 channels of control.
However, on the other side, to get the 48 slots from the ETC system into the Casambi network, back to the 4-chanel limitation…the DMXcas will accept up to 4 slots of external DMX input, and then map those into the Casambi network.
So you can get 12 channels from the casDMX to your fixture, and you would need a four DMX universe-to-one DMX universe box to get a single DMX universe out to get a loaded single universe of 48 controlled slots.
And you would need 12 DMXcas units to take the external DMX master, and send that into the Casambi network

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