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  4. casDMX with animation fade, back to default on power loss
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  4. casDMX with animation fade, back to default on power loss

casDMX with animation fade, back to default on power loss

We are currently working with the casDMX in a project where they want an animation of a fade up/down. We saw recently that on a power loss the unit goes back to default mode which is a static value. We have tried to set/change the settings for this behavior so that on power up/start -up the unit should go straight to start the animation instead of turning on a static color. But we haven’t found the right way of doing that for the casDMX, can you help me out here.. We have managed to do it on a CBU-ASD from Casambi so in the app, there is a way of doing this.

 The casDMX is at the will of Casambi, so the network settings are what tell the casDMX what to do.  There is no intelligence inside the casDMX other than to bridge a Casambi network to a DMX Universe.
There are network settings, and then device settings.
Network settings are found under “settings…network settings…:” in the app.
Device or Fixture settings are under “fixtures…edit…select the device…” you now have a menu of settings that the Casambi radio inside the casDMX will handle for that particular device.

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