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Which module to use: casDMX/DMXcas

I have an interest in a wireless control network for RGBW lighting installations. I’m OK with using DMX-enabled drivers, but what isn’t clear to me based on your website information is which of your devices the “casDMX” or “DMXcas” actually gets installed inside the luminaire. Having a sensor input (for occupancy) is desirable as well and I see that the casDMX has that input. Maybe it would be helpful to see an overall system block diagram to help me visualize where each component goes. Would that be something you could provide?

“The way we name our products is “left to right”, meaning that the casDMX is a Casambi-to-DMX converter, and the DMXcas is DMX to Casambi. You want the casDMX unit, which takes Casambi wireless network commands and turns them into 4 channels of control which then can drive your DMX driver-enabled fixture.

Note that the sensor has been discontinued, and it was only an ON and OFF sensor, and only used for analog fixtures, which we do not have an offering. The latest and greatest units do not support sensors or relays, which to date, no one used.”

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